UPVC Windows: Everything You Need to Know
Improve & Secure Your Home with UPVC Windows
UPVC windows are the most popular on the market for a reason. Durability. Just imagine your home with windows that are as long-lasting as they are beautiful – and as elegant as they are energy efficient.
Our carefully selected UPVC windows provide safety and security to your home. Our windows come with the latest high-performance multi-point locking technology. This means you can rest assured that you’re keeping your home and family well protected. With a 14% increase in burglaries in 2011, it’s never been more important to make sure your home doesn’t become one of the statistics. We’re committed to finding the right security solution for your needs.
Throughout their long lifespan, UPVC windows remain almost as maintenance-free, efficient and attractive as they were on day one. By replacing your old windows and switching to UPVC, you could also add more value to your home! Always select windows that are manufactured from PVC-U rather than other alternate framing materials. This way you can be confident that these products will never flake, peel, rust or rot. Unlike timber frames, UPVC windows don’t need repainting every year or two to keep up their appearance. Once installed, they’re virtually immune to damp, rain and freezing temperatures that can cause lesser materials to warp or rot. The windows will look as good as new for years to come.
UPVC windows don’t just look pretty. They can also help to reduce energy bills. Our products are top of the class when it comes to environmental credentials. They have been awarded an energy rating of up to A+. But there’s even more. Our products are designed to provide excellent U-value ratings for their efficiency at keeping the heat in your home – and the very best levels of Window Energy Rating (WER). A-rated windows are the most efficient and are the best way of improving the energy efficiency of your home.
By replacing your existing windows with our PVC-U windows, you’ll make your favourite place quieter, safer and more secure. But that’s not all. When you’re at home you’ll see the difference with new windows that are the perfect colour match for your house. As well as the safety and security, your house will look newer!